
Dangers Of Wireless & Cell Phone Radiation to Pregnant Women & How Earthing Can Help

By on 4 July 2014 click here to comment

Below is a great article from Natural News which highlights the dangers of pregnant women using wi fi and mobile phones, however, it's not just pregnant women who should be concerned, young children are still developing and growing and need to stay away from this harmful radiation as much as possible Earthing will not protect or shield you from wi-fi or mobile phone radiation, however, it will allow your body's own electrical system to cope better with what's being thrown at it day and night from these invisible sources. When we sleep earthed or grounded at night our body is put into the right electrical potential to heal and repair how it should do. Inflammatory build up from the positive charge of radiation (free radicals) on your body is neutralized by the negative charge (anti-oxidants) from the earth - the fire is put out before it can start smouldering and lead to a destructive bush fire, so to speak. ... continue reading

Winter Tips for using Your Earthing Products

By on 23 June 2014 click here to comment

Earthing indoors - Tips to Keep Grounded This Winter Most of us are well and truly feeling the cold nights of winter and now is the perfect time to make sure you are Earthing indoors as much as possible as most of those feet have probably got nice snug boots and shoes on for a good part of the day and night. Using Your Black Universal Mat... continue reading

Could NDD be a cause of sickness today and how Earthing can help?

By on 12 June 2014 click here to comment

Wow! What a wonderful long weekend we had in Melbourne at the MBS sharing the wonderful benefits that indoor Earthing Products can provide. One thing that did standout is that many people are suffering from pain, fatigue, poor sleep and just feeling downright awful and not really knowing why. There is a new term being used today to describe modern day illnesses called NDD – Nature Deficit Disorder! We have basically become so disconnected from Nature and are living in a busy, fast paced artificial world and this is definitely having consequences on our health and well-being as we are not getting those valuable electrons (nature's biggest antioxidant) into our body to repair and heal on a daily basis. While waiting to travel back to Sydney I started reading newspapers in the hotel lobby and here a just... continue reading

Faking It Takes Off – What’s Earthing Products got to do with this!

By on 30 May 2014 click here to comment

I read an interesting article in the paper about how fake “synthetic” grass is taking over in the back and front yards of suburban homes in Australia. Its popularity is due to no mowing, no watering and its durability with children and especially dogs - it certainly sounds wonderful! However, this is another example of how modern technology, while great and innovative to save us time, is totally disconnecting us from the innate health benefits from the Earth. Our children and our pets are going to be the next major victims of inflammatory problems and unexplained i... continue reading

Come and See Our Earthing Products

By on 30 May 2014 click here to comment

We will be displaying all our wonderful Earthing Products at the up and coming Mind Body Spirit Festival at the Convention Centre at South Bank in Melbourne this June Long Weekend 6th June - 9th June from 10am to 7pm and you can find us at STAND A45. This is a fantastic festival which nutures everything natural to do with the mind, body and soul - you'll leave feeling wonderful! If you have been interested in Earthing Products but a bit unsure this is a great event to come and feel the sheets, put your feet on the Earthing computer mat, try on a body band and snuggle up in a throw or plush pad. Also you can try on our new Groundals so that when summer comes around you will be ready with your conductive footwear and take advantage of more grounding when outdoors while protecting your tootsies! We will have our multimeter test set up where you can see the dramatic effect Earthing has on your body - you' ll be amazed! ... continue reading

Do You Suffer From Numb Feet - How an Australian Doctor is applying Earthing

By on 9 May 2014 click here to comment

Earthing has really taken off with over 1 million products being used world wide and the 2nd Edition of the Earthing Book has just been released with new updates on research and observations from around the world. I would like to share with you an excerpt from the 2nd Edition of the "Earthing" book contributed by an Australian Doctor's experience with Diabetic Neuropathy (numbness of the feet) as well as other important health benefits. Diabetics is a huge problem in Australia as well as around the world so this information is so valuable and must be shared. The Australian Experience From David Richards, M.B.B.S., an integrative family physician in Iluka, New South Wales, we received the following detailed report on his experience with diabetes: “In my more than thirty years as a general practitioner, I’ve never had anything to... continue reading

Earthing In Thailand!

By on 4 April 2014 click here to comment

Our Earthing Thailand Holiday I love my Groundals (Earthing footwear) and have been wearing them since around October last year and they have gone many places over that time. We recently went on a family vacation to Thailand and I wore them every day and found them very comfortable and with the added bonus that I was Earthing myself quite a bit throughout the day while exploring, as unless you are on the beach it’s not a place you would take your shoes off often and walk barefoot. ... continue reading

How Earthing and Grounding Products can help - Are You One Of These People?

By on 8 March 2014 click here to comment

We had such a lovely time at Brisbane and it was very inspiring to hear your stories of how Earthing and using the Earthing Products has helped with so many different health issues. We also spoke to quite a lot of people who are suffering and have never heard of Earthing so it was very gratifying to be able to pass on our knowledge of Earthing to them. So many of these people are taking countless medications every day and for years possibly for the fest of their lives and are still not getting better or even feeling better as each medications may have side effects that cause other problems. I read this statement just the other day and I can see why so many people are suffering. “342,000 Australians will visi... continue reading

Washing Your Earthing Sheets

By on 7 February 2014 click here to comment

We get many calls about "how should I wash my Earthing sheet?” and although this information is on our User Guide for Australia, which comes with all products, some of our customers are still washing their sheets incorrectly and this can reduce the longevity of the sheets. So please follow these simple steps to get the most out of your sheet:- Do’s Do wash your Earthing sheet a minimum of twice per month, more washing is better than less washing. Do wash your sheet in a washing machine. Do wash your sheet with WARM water – Washing in warm water strips body sweat and natural skin oils from the silver keeping it conductive. Do line dry your sheet and do dry your sheet in a dryer on low if needed. Do use mild liquid laundry detergent, s... continue reading

Stress and the Silly Season - How Can Earthing Help?

By on 13 December 2013 click here to comment

The Christmas season can be a very stressful time for many of us and it’s hard to understand as it’s portrayed as a joyous and happy time. It certainly can be happy and fun, however, we usually change our habits around this time as well – we attend more social and family events, we shop more, we tend to eat different foods or more of them, we stay out later, we may forego our exercise and meditation routines, we drink more and our usual sleep routine is disrupted to name a few. So we tend to worry more, be anxious and sometimes fearful trying keep up with it all. All these extra stresses cause the sneaky hormone cortisol to be released from the adrenal glands and cortisol can be very destructive to your health. This could be why we can sometimes feel like the bah humbug... continue reading

Earthing Pillow Cases and Flat Sheet Review

By on 29 November 2013 click here to comment

My Personal Experience with the Pillow Cases and Flat Sheets: Well over the past 4 weeks I have been sleeping totally Earthed top to toe with the fitted bottom sheet, the flat top sheet and the pillow cases. – all parts of my body and head have been receiving the benefits of the Earth’s Energy ….. S o do I think there is a benefit from increasing the amount of “Earth” bedding one sleeps with or is one sheet sufficient? This is... continue reading

Soft and Versatile New Plush Pad

By on 11 October 2013 click here to comment

We are loving the new plush pad, which is like a mini version of the soft throw blanket, and because of its softness it is very versatile to wrap around various parts of the body and as it is soft and flexible it can be used on top of your pillow while you sleep as well. (Note: If you do intend to place your face on it please make sure all oils and creams have had time to be absorbed into the skin.) I would like to share a few stories with you of how we have used the plush pad of late. Dental Work: My daughter recently had out 4 wisdom teeth and was in a lo... continue reading